Nick Howson

Born 1963, United Kingdom

Lives and works in Melbourne

1986 Dip. Fine Art, Prahran College, Melbourne

Solo Exhibitions

2024 ‘From The Bush To The Sea’, Anthea Polson Art, Qld

2024 ‘A Trip To Sydney Dedicated To Tim ‘Ace’ Klingender’, Australian Galleries, Sydney

2021 Marvelous Melbourne, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2019 ‘Recent Works’ Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2018 ‘The World Is My Village’, Anthea Polson Art, Qld

2018 ‘Suburbia’ Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2017 Gallows Gallery, Perth

2016 ‘Heroes’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2015 ‘Recent Paintings’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2014 ‘New Works’, Gallows Gallery, Perth

2013 ‘Lore’ Anthea Polson Art, Qld

2012 ‘A New Land’ Gallows Gallery, Perth WA

2012 ‘Icons’ Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2011 ‘Allegories and Chronicles’, Anthea Polson Art, Queensland

2009 ‘Recent Works’ Anthea Polson Art, Queensland

2008 ‘Recent works’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2006 ‘Recent paintings’, Australian Galleries, Sydney

2005 ‘Recent paintings’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2004 ‘Paintings’, Art Gallery Schubert, Gold Coast

2003 ‘Recent paintings’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2002 ‘Paintings’, Art Gallery Schubert, Queensland

2001 ‘Gipsy Point’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

2000 ‘Struggletown II’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

1999 ‘Struggletown’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

1998 ‘Recent works’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

1996 ‘Football paintings’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

1995 ‘Paintings’, Australian Galleries, Melbourne

1994 ‘Paintings’, Gallery Rhumbarallas, Melbourne

1993 ‘Works on Paper’, Gallery Rhumbarallas, Melbourne

1991 ‘Paintings’, Girgis & Klym Gallery, Melbourne

1988 ‘Works on Paper’, Girgis & Klym Gallery, Melbourne

Selected Group Exhibitions

2020 Gallipoli Art Prize (finalist) Merrylands RSL club NSW

2015 ‘First Landing to Last Post: contemporary perspectives on 100 years of service’ Parliament House, Canberra

2006 ‘City of Whitehorse Recent Contemporary Acquisitions’, Icon Museum of Art, Melbourne

2005 ‘Eureka Revisited: the contest of memories’, touring exhibition, Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Old Parliament House, Canberra, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne

2003 Tatterstalls Art Prize, Brisbane (finalist)

2001‘Three Artists’, Win Schubert Galleries, Queensland

1999 ‘Luna Park and the Art of Mass Delirium’, Museum of Modern Art at Heide, Melbourne

1999 ‘We are Australian’, Touring Exhibition

1996 ‘Packsaddle’ exhibition, Armidale, New South Wales

1995 Herald-Sun Art Prize (finalist)

1995 Eltham Art Prize (finalist)

1989 ‘Heidelberg & Heritage-Two Visions of Australia 100 Years Apart’, Linden Gallery, Melbourne

1988 Swan Hill Art Prize, Swan Hill Regional Gallery, Victoria (finalist)

1986 Castlemaine Drawing Show, Castlemaine Regional Art Gallery, Victoria

Artist Residency

2005 Bunandon, NSW

Select Bibliography

Wright, Jessica; “Artist Nick Howson paints Tiger Legend mural at rail station, but he has a secret”, The Age, 18 April 2014

The Western Australian, “Hazy History”, Oct 3 2012

Scoop Homes & Art, Spring Edition 2012 40:34 “Galleries Choice”

Marina Saint Martin; ‘Nick Of Time’ The Weekend Bulletin Paradise Magazine January 2010

Marina Saint Martin; ‘A Rich Tapestry Of Life’ The Weekend Bulletin Paradise Magazine October 2007

Backhouse, Megan; ‘Colour separation makes the art grow yonder’, Age, November 2004

Catalano, Gary; ‘Artist casts rebellion aside’, The Age, 9 December 1987

Cawthorne, Zelda; ‘Harmony After the Battles’, Herald Sun, 16 March 1999

De Bolfo, Tony; ‘Art of the Game’, Herald Sun, September 1996

Lew, Christine; ‘Colouring a bold new world’, Melbourne Times, 29 May 1991

Makin, Jeff; Herald Sun, 23 March 1999

McLean, Sandra; ‘Show and tell’, Courier Mail, 17 October 2002

Mossop, Brian; ‘Birds play vital role’, Gold Coast Weekender, 4 September 2004